Exercise Is Not Enough! | PhitZone

Exercise Is Not Enough!

Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym

A guest post by Angelique Kronebusch

I know a lot of people who think that they can justify eating something bad because they just spent two hours in the gym. Usually I would not have a problem with this, but the reason why I do is because people let this happen on a daily basis. I get asked the same question at least once per week, “why am I not losing weight? I work out all the time!”

Just because a person spends hours in the gym every day does not justify having a treat every day as well. If you want to see results, you need to keep your diet clean 80-90% of the time and only then will you start to see results. If you chose to eat a burger and greasy fries every day then chances are you will not see the fat loss that you want.

Having a lean and fit body comes with some sacrifices and the first thing that needs to be done is a life style change. If you keep the word ‘diet’ in your head, chances are that you will not succeed with your weight loss. You need to change your life style and opt for healthier choices in order for everything to fall into place. Losing 10 pounds is great, but keeping it off will be the greatest challenge if you do not change your life style.

Choosing a healthy life style is not just for gym, but in your kitchen as well. Food can be healthy and taste good as well if you put some thought into it. It is not all about plain chicken breast and brown rice. A healthy life style is making better choices in the grocery store for yourself and your family, choosing foods that are fresh and that have not been prepackaged for the typical unwrap and go mentality that most of us have these days.

Why spend hours in the gym only to sabotage all your hard work every day? Remember a treat is a treat and you will appreciate it more if you keep it that way. Once per week to indulge in your favorite treat is usually enough and if you keep up with your new life style, you will be amazed with the results and eventually you will not miss having your treat every single day.

About the author

Angelique Kronebusch is the owner of Angelique-Fitness and Personal Training in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. She is a competitive Figure Model, and captain of Team Kelowna. Angelique is also the fitness and health columnist for Kelowna’s Rage Fashion Magazine. Be sure to follow her on Twitter, and become a fan on Facebook.

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5 Responses to “Exercise Is Not Enough!”

  1. Anne says:

    Oh this is so true. I used to workout so hard 6, and sometimes 7 days a week. I got burned out, and could not make progress for the longest time. Finally a friend who is a trainer suggested backing off. I changed everything up, and have had more success in the last 4 weeks.

    Nice article Angelique!

  2. Christian says:

    Great short article. Way too many people overlook diet and failed to realise as we get older we can no longer eat the way we used to when we were in our teens. I’ve seen people slave it out in the gym for years with absolutely ZERO results, what a pity. This is always what I tell people, “…90% of it is done in the kitchen…” Basic formula people, energy in vs energy out, it’s no rocket science. Put down the burger, put down the chocolate, eat clean, train, and allow rest. That’s all there is to it.

  3. perfect! you can’t out-train a bad diet and I love that quote – abs are made in the kitchen

  4. […] how to eat like a competitor is 80% of the battle. Clean eating is the most important part of competing. If your diet is not 90-100% clean while prepping for the show, you may not get the […]

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